Monday, February 1, 2016

Nice Surveillance Cameras photos

Check out these Surveillance Cameras images:

Multiple Surveillance Cameras & Wireless Antennas At The Corner Of Blair Road, NW & Fourth Street, NW & Cedar Avenue, NW (Washington, DC)
Surveillance Cameras
Image by takomabibelot

Locations of "Neighborhood Cameras are give here:,A,1238,Q,560780.asp

Is the camera mounted on the overhang pointed down Blair Road?

Or is it pointed at the Metro tracks?

Sure ain’t pointed at the front door of the S & S liquor store.

Although it is mounted on their roof I wonder whether it really belongs to S & S.

Banana Republic TEC
Surveillance Cameras
Image by dehghanr


Cameras pointing towards common area



Nice Surveillance Cameras photos

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